Hybrid server connection quality

While testing the Hybrid server VPN I found sometimes it can get overloaded. When this happens, players at the table won’t notice but any operator logged onto the same server during overloading will find the remote connection very slow.


I upgraded the affected servers but don’t know if this will fully solve the problem. I also changed a setting that reduces server load, and decreases connection latency (lag). The downside is sometimes small bits of data wont be processed if a connection between any player and the server is poor. If the internet connection is reasonable, then there will be a significant improvement for operators logged on a server.


All Hybrid players will need to re-download and install the VPN software for phones and PCs, but don’t do this unless you are actually playing anytime soon, because the setting may need to be changed back. I’ll need to get feedback from players (including operators) to see if the changes have the intended result. It’s easy to change back, but just means everyone needs to re-download the VPN profile for phones/PCs.

Hybrid service players

I’ll elaborate on my last post about delays for Hybrid service teams. If you are disappointed with you not playing as frequently as you want, you need to understand my situation.


Just recently my partners started taking over a large part of my company to give me more spare time. But still I have very little available time because I am more focused on hybrid application. Like most people, usually I start work around 9am and finish 5pm – I try to live a normal life. And if there is a booking for me as a Hybrid operator for particular jurisdictions, I’ll then work around 1am – 4am, get some sleep and wake up to another day of work. Can I do this every day? No chance. I can do it perhaps twice a week before it becomes a serious problem for my health and lifestyle. So naturally I will favour teams that play during my 9am-5pm hours. But this isn’t a suitable time for all players.


When a player tells me they are upset I haven’t spent enough time with me as an operator, my response is much the same. I can only do what is possible to do. I am one person. It is not about me being unreliable. It is about me having limited time. And remember, a Hybrid service player has not purchased anything from me. I have received no payment up-front. All I can do is try to accommodate what appears to be the most productive players, and teams that show the most promise. I aim to give every player at least the chance to demonstrate they are dilligent and can be productive players. If it wasn’t possible for me to at least give players a chance to prove themselves, I wouldn’t have accepted them as players. And on this note if I’ve played with you a few times and you’re still showing signs that you haven’t followed instructions, it is unlikely I’ll be willing dedicate more time to playing with you. It would be far more viable for me to focus on teams that follow instructions. Even if you still don’t get it right the first time, it’s ok as long as I see your diligence. As it is now, I will not have time for any new players, so I am not accepting new players. But if you have already been accepted as a player, then you will eventually have your turn too.


I am still in the process of training more operators. Since my recent announcement, there are currently a few potential operators studying the Operator Training Manual. And again, if you feel you would be a good Operator, let me know. But please understand I will only select players who are a perfect match.


If you are a player, besides waiting, your other option is to purchase the Hybrid. Then you can be your own operator and have access whenever you want. This is a larger investment than most people are willing to make, although if you see a demo you’ll better understand it’s worth it.


But considering just the service option, you just need to wait until its your turn, either with me or another operator when they are trained. Again it makes life much easier for me if you play during my normal work hours. I can comfortably do two sessions in a day as operator, if they both have a start time between 9am – 2pm.


Usually the FIRST session for you in a casino is the longest wait. That’s because I tend to focus on just a few teams at a time. When we do the initial sessions to test the waters, it isn’t an attempt to win a fortune. It is for you to learn how to use the equipment, and for the operator to better understand your casino’s conditions. Then we would be better prepared for future sessions in which you aim to profit. So in your initial sessions, it doesn’t matter if you play at your 9am – 3pm or when the table is quiet. It doesn’t matter because you wont be doing anything suspicious. And later if your casino’s conditions are good, we can arrange a more suitable time to play for avoiding detection. What I’m saying is if you want to get started earlier, for your first session book for my daytime hours. If you book at my 3am then I’ll put other teams first UNLESS I already know your casino’s conditions are suitable AND your team is properly organized. Put another way, I can play any time of the day with a team in ideal circumstances. But playing with a new team at 3am is a lower priority. They will still get their chance, but with the service option they have to wait.

Hybrid service players vs purchasers, and looking for operators

There’s a big difference between a Hybrid service player, and a purchaser of the Hybrid.


A purchaser has access to the server whenever they want, and they can have anyone trained as an operator to work as an operator whenever needed.


A hybrid service player can only use the Hybrid when an operator is available. And currently there are many different teams wanting server time and and operator so they can play. This means progress is much slower than many teams want.


I cannot give a Hybrid service team 24/7 access like a purchaser. Sometimes a service player may not be able to play for many weeks, which can be frustrating for the player. But keep in mind you are getting a service withough paying anything up-front. And naturally the most productive teams will come first.


Some players have asked for some kind of arrangement where they pay for priority service. It’s possible but the problem is still allocating an operator – so for it to be viable you would need your own operator. Let me know if you have suggestions, but please don’t ask to have complete free access as an operator. The point of the service program is to have multiple teams without needing to give access to sensitive equipment.


I am looking for additional operators, but you will need to fulfill particular requirements. Some of them are:


* Fast-learning and intelligent


* Ample free time and flexibility (often you’ll work at inconvenient hours)


* Reliable internet connection


* Already experienced with roulette computers


Many players have asked for access but letting someone access the Hybrid is not something I take lightly. I need to balance the need for discretion and the need to expand its use.

Updated Hybrid instructions

Updated instructions are now available for download. I’ve updated chapter 3 (in the yellow section at the bottom) to include screenshots of what the Hybrid sees usually with new camera users, so you better understand the requirements. Almost every new player makes the same mistakes. I’ve also included extra advice to get you ready for your first session. If you don’t practise properly, the first few sessions in a real casino will likely waste your time because you’ll be asked to better prepare. The practise that you need is really not difficult. It’s actually quitre simple but most players tend not to spend the time.

How To Get The Quickest Support Possible

If you send me a confusing email or support ticket, with poorly worded sentences and disorganized information, I will often put aside your support ticket until later. Then I will answer the clearer and better organized tickets first. This is because it allows me to help the most people in the time I have. So if you don’t want a delayed response, put some effort and thought into making your questions simple and clear. With many emails, unclear questions waste a lot of my time because it’s not immediately obvious what you are talking about – then I need to review our past conversations in detail to understand the context of your questions. Instead, explain the context clearly and concisely in every message you send. Don’t assume I perfectly recall our conversation, because it’s impossible for me to remember everything from every past email. I sincerely want to give the best support possible. Please help me give quality support to everyone by taking a little extra time to make your questions clear, well-worded and specific. 

If you send vague and poorly worded questions, don’t expect me to give you a range of answers to cover all the possibilities of what you wanted to know. That takes far too much time. Instead, I will respond simply asking you to be clearer and more specific. I hate to appear rude or abrupt about it, but being direct is required for efficiency.

Hybrid Session bookings

When booking Hybrid sessions be very careful to enter your email correctly, or you will not receive any email notifications to tell you what’s happening with your booking. If you don’t receive any confirmation emails immediately after requesting a booking, then the email you entered was probably incorrect.

Hybrid updated instructions

I’ve updated chapter 22 in the instructions, which has more examples about how to hide the camera. Download the latest instructions. Keep in mind even if that’s not enough, you can wear multiple cameras at the same time. I can give help and advice for specific conditions you play in, but players should also use their initiative to find the best solution for where they play.

Hybrid players leaving remote access enabled

A few players are still leaving phones and PCs connected to the remote access software. This means any other player with access to the login details can log onto your phones and PCs. If you setup the software correctly, then you would still need to approve the connection first – but I’m aware not everyone has setup the software correctly. Please don’t forget to close the software when it is not in use.

Hybrid operator access

I’ve had to change the software used by Operators to access the Hybrid server. It involved a lot of tedious configurations but I’m complete with the template. Now for each Operator, I just need to make changes to the template so each team only has access to their own unique server. This is required or other players would be able to connect to and interfere with your server.


From here it takes about 60 minutes to set up each new server. This is mainly because each server’s files are 30GB and it takes a long time to replicate on the hardware.


I will contact each operator with their login details and new instructions. I expect to have contacted all operators within 24hrs from now.


It took longer than expected but the upside is the new software is significantly faster.