Monday is a public holiday here so I wont be available or responding to emails. I’ll be back Tuesday.
Category: Player updates
Phone System Instructions
The following instructions are now available (log into forum to see):
Equipment you need:;area=article;cont=63
Installing the software:;area=article;cont=64
How to use the software:;area=article;cont=65
The software is very close to being released so if you intend to use it, order your equipment and carefully read the instructions. Then you’ll be ready by the time it is released.
Again with the exception of the custom cable, you don’t need to order anything from me. In fact I suggest not ordering things like the phone from me for reasons explained in the links.
Schedule of software development
The following software development is being done in this order. I’ve listed the approximate development time for each part, so you know when to expect availability:
1. Mod to the Hybrid, which better deals with wheels with very poor wheel visibility (1 week)
2. Adding features to the phone system, including for American 00 support. After this, the phone system will be tested one last time then be made available to players. (1-2 weeks)
3. Adding American 00 support for the Hybrid (2 weeks).
4. The free trial computer AND android computer (2-3 weeks).
5. Minor mods to the Hybrid apps to make them easier to use (1 week).
To this point, it’s about 2 months of full-time programming. Then I’ll consider what work is next highest priority.
Android roulette computer
It appears the Android roulette computer will be developed after all. This is because:
* We’re creating the free trial computer, so anyone can test basic roulette computer algorithms on video recorded spins.
* The server for the trial computer will already be created, so the Android computer would not require as much development anyway.
The trial computer will enable anyone (with approved access) to use the full capabilties of the computer, including more advanced algorithms, but I can make the server deliberately delay the prediction. This way the player can test on any wheel they want, including at their local casino. But the predictions will intentionally be too late to be usable. I can easily remove this restriction for full versions.
I don’t have time for public or private demonstrations anymore, and besides allowing anyone to test on any wheel they want is easier. And it’s a better way to prove effectiveness without any risk to anyone.
Also I’ll be able to see all data and advise any player in real-time. So you can be playing in the casino and send me a message to give advice, and I can log on and check data for you, then provide advice. Altough you’d need to give me a "heads-up" a day or so beforehand, because I wont always be available.
I’ll explain more about it eventually. It will probably be available in about 1-2 months.
Behind on emails
I’ve been very busy testing software so am about a week behind on emails. But I’ve finished testing for now and will catch up on all emails by the end of tomorrow. All development with all software is going exceptionally well. There some updates to come in the coming days, mainly about getting started with the phone system.
JAA phone system
Everything is working perfectly for the first release, and the server is working. However before it is made available, the following needs to be mentioned:
* I’ve explored various options with the support partners who now earn more from "sales". Basically I’ve paid for all software development at my own expense, although the phone system is not essential. I never expected them to cover the cost. They wont be covering the cost of running the servers either. This is partly why the phone system is not part of the official product. So I’ll be running the server myself, and require players to pay a small fee for players to have continued access to the servers. This includes the data server and the encyption servers. I make no profit from it. The cost a player pays is only $1/month. For this we’ll do an annual paypal subscription of $12/year. There is also the added cost of hardware, but again I don’t profit from that and you buy it from other sources anyway, except for the optional cable.
* For now only European wheels are supported, but it will only take a week for 00 wheels to be supported too. Because there are many USA players, I’d rather wait until that mod is done. Otherwise there is a lot of extra messing around with servers and updates. It isnt a lot extra to wait. But at the same time remember that it may be illegal in some states. Definitely not legal in Vegas, and it is against the terms to use it illegally.
* There will soon be an update for betting charts, but this is easier said than done with some of the modifications. It may need to be that if you use betting charts instead of the phone hidden at the table, accuracy may be reduced. It’s something that needs time and thought to minimize limitations.
Jaa phone update 2
I had time to do enough testing and found the software is almost perfect. As expected there are just minor fixes, and they should be fixed within an hour or so.
So it may be available next week, but a more conservative estimate is still within 2 weeks. This is mostly because I need to also write the instructions, but this wont take too long. I also need to configure the server, which can be a tedious process.
Phone system update
I’ve received what appears to be the final release, which means everything is working. But I need to fully test everything and see if anything needs fixing or changing. This programmer is very good so usually if any changes are needed, they’re only minor. But I wont have time to test fully until next week. I expect it will be available for use in a bit under 2 weeks from now.
Roulette computer partnerships
We are now looking for more Hybrid roulette computer partners. This is a profit share arrangement for the roulette computer at
More about the partnerships and the application form is at (this page recently changed so check for the current version).
Please understand selection is extremely competitive. Only around 1% of applicants are selected. Usually existing players have preference but we still consider all applicants.
1. One player wears a hidden camera to send video of the wheel to an internet server outside the casino.
2. The server automatically predicts the winning number and sends audio to Bettors at the table.
3. The Bettors make bets. The winnings are divided between players.
This is NOT an arrangement where you get a free roulette computer to do anything you want. We are looking only for players to make bets (Bettors). More details are at
Phone system & Hybrid Connection Updates
Phone System Update
The programmer expects the predictions to be working as intended some time next week. At that stage it would be fully working, but I’ll need to do a lot of testing and there may be some bugs or changes. So the current estimate for it to be available to players is somewhere around 2-3 weeks from now.
In any case, the device is never used in view or openly at the wheel. It is always hidden somewhere like a pocket. The first release will not be legal to use in about half of casinos. You need to check legalities regarding electronic prediction devices in your casino. If you need advice on this, contact me and I’ll explain how to approach your local government to ask for free. You may as well do this research while waiting.
The second release will be legal to use in all casinos, because you wont actually use it at the table. You’ll need to write data down, exit the casino to enter the data in your phone, get the betting charts and go back into the casino. It’s a bit of extra work if you do it this way, but you’ll still be able to get a full analysis in a fraction of the time, when compared to the current software version.
Hybrid Connection Upgrade
I’ve researched more about available options for upgrading the Hybrid connection. With a distance of 15,000km to the server, the current connection can support about 4 users at a time, unless they are connected remotely to the server terminal, in which case it would be 1-2 simultaneous users. I originally thought it was more but more testing revealed limitations.
· I’ve tested more of 4G networks but need to travel to get access. It will cost me about $20 per hour of video per user. It will work if the connection from inside the casino is good. It’s not a cheap option but still viable. But it’s not convenient for me in many cases.
· It is impossible to get any connection to my residence other than ADSL2. But I can get a second or third connection. This is the most convenient option for me.
· Another option is I rent a house with NBN or cable connection, which will give around 100mbps down and 30mbps up. This would be ok but it’s $200/week rental plus around $100/month for the connection. But it’s then about 3 hours drive to the server. But it’s convenient when using multiple operators.
· Another option is server colocation services. This has 300 megabit up and down, and about 170ms ping to the other side of the world. But a suitable data center is a long drive for me. And it is messy with security for multiple operators.
· Another option is office lease with cable or NBN internet. I’m still considering this but there is nothing close to me with good internet. It would also be a good option for multiple operators.
For now as long as players inform me when they intend to use the server, I can manage the connection used so it’s adequate. In any case, the video should be started about 5 seconds earlier than usual. This is because internet connections use a "slow start" algorithm where the data first sent is minor to see how much data the connection can handle (to prevent packet flooding). Then the data rate speeds up to meet the connection speed. So a connection may start at 50kb/sec, but may increase to 600kb/sec after about 5 seconds. This is not the delay. It’s just the time taken for video transmission to be fast and reliable enough.
The latency is 300ms with a fair connection, and the video buffering can be 1 second in most cases. So if the Hybrid can get a prediction in 1 second after ball release, with a 15,000km distance it will be 2.3 seconds instead. It’s easily early enough for most wheels. Besides in most cases, the target would be to get prediction after about 5 seconds, depending on when no more bets is called.
Availability of operators & training
I need to train operators, who will eventually be able to manage several teams at once. Basically the operator can switch between tabs in the software to switch between teams. It is overkill but good to have the ability if only one operator is available. I’ll be contacting the operators soon to organize training.