Some time next week the programmer will complete an update for updating ball samples. The superior method is polynomials, but you can reduce accuracy if you don’t do it properly. If you are unsure of what to do, then "auto update" or "auto update 2" are better options. The upcoming mod will allow you to use polynomials in a much more hands-free way. Basically you’ll update the ball sample in the same way as "auto update", and will just watch the max deviation value to ensure it remains low enough. If it is too high, the value will be red. With the mod you should still monitor raw prediction accuracy, but there’s unlikely to be any problem if you just watch the max. deviation value. The update should be ready by the end of next week.
Category: Player updates
Hybrid & Uber Max. Deviation
I’ve created a video explaining how to use max. deviation. It applies only to the Remote Uber and Hybrid. Email me using encrypted email for the download link.
I’ll also update the written instructions soon. If anyone would like further details to explain anything else, please let me know asap. But please check all instructions first to ensure it isn’t already covered.
Away for week
I’ll be away for about a week from tomorrow. I’ll still have access to everything needed including servers, or anything urgent, but my responses will be slower than usual. Please be patient, I’ll be back soon. First when I’m back I’ll respond to all emails, then work on updating some instructions.
Remote Uber & Hybrid Updates
I’ve applied updated software to all Remote Uber & Hybrid servers. It includes:
– Minor bug fixes
– "Auto update 2" algorithm (in the ball sample area)
For now, just use "Auto update" and not "Auto update 2", until I can update instructions to explain everything. Basically "auto update 2" is slightly easier, but not quite as accurate except in some conditions where it’s the better option.
I’ve also created two new training videos:
– Fast-play method: this enables operators to spend far less time in front of a screen. It can be the difference between an operator spending 2 hours, or 30 mins at the screen.
– How to get rotor timings in smaller arcs for earlier predictions.
To get the video download links, send me an encrypted email asking for them.
I’ll also need to update some of the written instructions, but I probably wont have time to do this until next week. But the videos explain all the main parts anyway.
I’ve been paying attention to where my time goes during the day. When it comes to support tickets and emails, about 90% of the time goes to answering questions that are already answered. Of course I don’t expect people to absorb everything from instructions. But too often people aren’t properly reading instructions, for whatever reason. Some people expect me to spoon feed them everything. It would be fine if there was only one player, but there are many.
I don’t want to give short responses like "it’s in the instructions". So I end up wasting a lot of time re-writing, elaborating, cutting and pasting parts of the instructions etc. Even if I cut and paste instructions, this takes time, when it is done multiple times.
If something is not in the instructions, or not clear, then I fix it in the instructions.
Understand I sincerely care about quality support. But I don’t have time to re-write instructions in emails, and spoon feed information that is already in instructions. Help me by properly re-reading, then I will have more time to do more important things like making some last additions to software players requested.
Using Wikr (for Hybrid and Remote Uber players)
Just a reminder that Wikr chat is only for emergencies. An emergency is something like the server is down despite a booking. For anything that’s not urgent, please only use encrypted email.
If there’s anther issue that really is urgent, and worth waking me up for, then you can use Wikr. But I don’t want the same thing to happen with my private phone number. People ended up calling at all hours for non-urgent matters. If that happens with Wikr, I either have to ignore messages from some players or I overall become less receptive to Wikr messages. When I hear a Wikr message on my phone or see the led blinking, I check it immediately. Please use Wikr appropriately.
Uber and Hybrid Session Recordings
Every Remote Uber and Hybrid session is recorded, so I can replay and inspect everything that happened on the server. This is for a few reasons:
1. Security: to ensure players aren’t doing something forbidden.
2. Support: so if a player gets stuck or something goes wrong, I can easily replay the recordings and see for myself.
By default the recordings are at a lower resolution and frame rate, but still clear enough to see everything.
This is not a security risk to anyone because:
* Only I access the recordings
* Any activity uses end-to-end encryption
* Recordings are deleted after review
* Any saved recordings (even temporarily) are stored on a 256 bit encrypted drive
* Fragmented encrypted files are impossible to recover
* Logs aren’t saved. I can only view them in real-time. And my memory is terrible (where am I?)
* You arent or shouldn’t be breaking laws anyway (do your research)
In the worst case scenario, a team may knowingly break the law, and my computers are raided. That would be a breach of contract. And it may interrupt my morning coffee. So please don’t do it. I’m not speaking in code – please don’t break laws.
But players frequently ask, what if a team doesn’t pay an operator a fair amount?
Firstly, you should have very clear agreements in place. You can make whatever you want. Typically the operator gets about 30% AFTER expenses. So if the players win $10,000 but had a $500 hotel expense, the operator’s take would be 30% of $9,500 which is $2,850.
Operators may own the computer. But remember the players are the ones in the casino, betting with their money.
Your agreements should be very clear about the player’s expenses, including what they are for. You shouldn’t need to cover unnecessary luxuries.
What happens if there’s a dispute? Firstly, I must be neutral. I will impartially share whatever information I have, which can be obtained from recordings – which is useful if you plan to sleep while others play (not recommended). Most of the time anyone watching the server can see actual bets, winnings and losses.
Disputes are rare, but not rare enough. If you short-change a team member and it’s clear, expect that other operators will learn about it, and nobody will want to work with you.
Luckily in most cases, everyone is fair and honest. The most important thing is having clear agreements.
Generally with my own teams, I don’t even bother asking about their profits until they’ve been successful for some time. I have various agreements, but mostly it is all based on trust. Everything doesn’t need to be rounded off to the nearest number. If you develop good relationships with the right players, trust and mutual understand is worth more than a contract. You don’t need legally binding contracts that everyone signs. You just need text that you both have, which outlines the agreement.
Custom Cable pricing
Today I tested every new custom cable on a variety of phones, and all worked without a problem. So we’ll start making more.
The downside is the new design is $50 more expensive (now $250). This is my cost price. But if you already paid for a cable, I’ll absorb the additional cost.
I have 7 units and will ship later this week. It isnt enough for all pending orders so I’ll send first to players who have waited the longest. More completed cables are on the way.
Remote Uber and Hybrid Training Videos
For Remote Uber and Hybrid Players: I’ll update the instructions, including create extra tutorial videos. First see what is already explained in instructions, then email me directly if you think anything is missing. Please don’t make a request until you’ve carefully checked through existing support material.
Custom Cables
I’ll receive the new custom cables in a few days. First I’ll test each one thoroughly, and if everything is ok, I’ll start shipping. But the first batch isnt enough stock for everyone. So I’m waiting for them to arrive (early next week), and the technician is waiting for my test results before making more. Sorry for the delay – the modifications haven’t been so simple. Every phone is different. The other version may have worked perfectly on some phones, but not others. Nevertheless it appears we now have a solution.