Hybrid and Remote Uber updates

The Hybrid updates all appear to be working flawlessly.


But I found a bug in the Remote Uber, which is unrelated to the main source code. This makes testing it later much easier. The issue is related to the app that transmits the timings to the server. This was done by a different programmer, who has been notified. It doesn’t affect the Remote Hybrid at all though.


I’ll begin updating the Remote Hybrid servers early next week, then will finish updating the instructions.


I’m still waiting to hear from the Remote Uber programmer.

Remote Hybrid and Uber Updates

With the exception of a minor issue being fixed today, the Remote Hybrid updates are complete. An update is being done to the Remote Uber, which is part of the Hybrid code. It is mostly done but being integrated tonight. I’ll wait for this part to be done before testing.


So by Tuesday my time, everything should be complete, then I’ll do some final testing. If there are no issues, then I’ll release the software and update instructions. Although the written instructions are thorough, I’ll create videos of everything from start to finish.

Remote Hybrid Sessions

Starting from around 12th November, I’ll be better able to assist in sessions. It would be earlier normally, but I’ll be away until mid next week, and need to do some final testing when back.


Still don’t book sessions with me involved until I’ve confirmed everything is fully tested. This should be by the end of next week. None of the remaining tests are difficult or time consuming, but they still need to be done.

Remote Hybrid and Uber Updates

REMOTE HYBRID: Except for one part, the Hybrid mod is complete and working even better than we expected, once we implemented the precision timer component. Also users will find setup signficantly easier because the ball detection algorithms are muich more selective about what it considers the ball. This means it’s much harder to get false detections. The last part is just adding a part that we’ve already coded. Last time we did such an integration it only took about 45 minutes.


REMOTE UBER: Players can request server access anytime, but after the last remote hybrid part is done, then some final adjustments for the Remote Uber will be done, as mentioned previously.


The work took a lot longer than expected because the source code is exstensive, and the programmer needed to work on it very carefully to avoid affecting other parts.


GENERAL SCHEDULE: I’ll be away for a few days so can’t test until around mid next week. But all the major testing is already done. For the hybrid, all that’s left is testing the code integration, which is relatively easy testing. This should be comfortably done before the end of next week.


The Remote Uber mods are only minor, but it’s difficult to test and work while I’m away. The programmer needs me to assist with some testing, so we’re delayed a few days while I’m away. But there’s very little left to do, and if everything is not done before the end of next week, it wont be long after.

Remote Uber Instructions & Updates

The instructions are basicaly a modified version of the Remote Hybrid instructions. It will be another day or so before they’re complete and available.


Some of the Remote Uber phone apps will be modified, so less equipment is needed. But before these mods, the programmer needs to complete other unrelated tasks I’ve requested.


Before the end of this week, Remote Uber players will receive the instructions.


This will at least get everyone started. Then after the app mods are done, I’ll edit the instructions to reflect the changes.


The expected timeline is:


* 2 days to complete instructions for surrent version


* 1-2 weeks for programmer to complete other tasks


*1-2 weeks to modify the Remote Uber apps


* 3 days to edit the instructions to reflect the app mods


Everything is already functional so the Remote Uber can be used, but the mods are worthwhile improvements.

Remote Hybrid & Uber Updates

I’ve been doing lots of testing on some updates so many things I hoped to get done this week haven’t been done. At least there are only a few issues remaining before the updates are made available. At the current rate of progress, the updated Hybrid, and the Remote Uber, should be available for use in around a week. But it’s more conservative to say 1-2 weeks.

JAA phone server access problems

If you are having difficulty connecting to the phone JAA server, on your phone, remove and re-install the OpenVPN profile from scratch. You cant use the old .ovpn file. I reconfigured the server to automatically reconnect if the connection is ever interupted. It seems to be working as intended, but let me know if there are any further problems.

Lite computer updates

There will be some minor updates to the Lite computer. Specifically it will enable you to define the rotor deceleration rate, and it fixes a bug for american 00 wheels. It should be available in about 2 weeks. If you want the update you’ll need to send back your phone (just the phone, a cover note, and nothing else).

Shipping & Hybrid updates

Hybrid Updates: I expect the prototype of a new mod in a few days. It is designed to improve ball timing accuracy especially when the ball is at a fast speed. Initial testing showed an improvement but more testing is needed with the prototype, to see if it’s an improvement of existing algorithms. I’m only guessing if everything goes well, it will be implemented in the hybrid software in abiout 1-2 weeks.


Shipping: There were a few orders of spare parts like cables, and some phones. If you expecting anything to be shipped, it will be shipped this upcoming week.

Hybrid updates

The updates are complete and ready to be installed on servers. I haven’t found any problems from testing I’ve done. If you want me to update your server, request this next time you make a server booking. Then I send your access details, I’ll include links to updated phone apps.