Changes and roulette computer teams

Im expanding my roulette computer teams, so I’ll have less time for other things. Also for the same reasons, the partners who have been assisting with player support wont be able to continue much longer. It is regrettable but I won’t have time to take new players, at least until I can make arrangments to make it more feasible. I am committed to providing existing players with continued support. But there will be a greater emphasis for players to properly read the instructions because they explain everything.


I will also be unable to offer phone support, although this change has not been reflected on my sites yet. This is because previously I used phone and skype calls more so anyone could speak to me and see I’m a real person. And players were able to call me too for support. But the most efficient support is given via the help desk. Issues that can be resolved in seconds via the help desk often take far longer via phone. I will still be available to players by phone, but only if scheduled and necesarry for more complicated issues.


I’m also looking for more players for the roulette computer teams. Basically you can use the Hybrid roulette computer for $0.00 up front, besides equipment costs (besides a cable, you purchase from other suppliers, not me). Then you pay a fee only if the wheel is beaten. Details are at