Hybrid access details

I’ve completed setup of the new Hybrid encryption server, including testing. But I haven’t yet had time to email new users their login details, instructions etc, although will tomorrow. It just takes a bit of time to assign the correct IP addresses and ports to each user. So tomorrow new users will be able to download the software needed.


The next step will be organizing a time for a live test with me, where you connect to the Hybrid server and stream live video to it. I should be able to do this some time this Wednesday 15th July (or the following day).


Also the bonus I offered the programmer has had the intended effect, and now work is progressing quickly. In the coming weeks, I’ll be very busy testing with the upcoming mods. After that it’s probable I’ll stop taking players for jaa or hand over greater control to partners (I’ll need more time for hybrid application). It wont affect existing players except that it will be more important to rely on the help desk for support, instead of contacting me.